Christian Living Beyond Belief | Cliff McManis - In this book, Pastor McManis provides Christian readers with the essentials of Christian discipleship. Topics include stewardship, serving, worship, study, evangelism, church membership and much more. This book is suited for both the new Christian and the seasoned saint.
Biblical Apologetics: Advancing and Defending the Christian Faith | Cliff McManis - Is the practice of apologetics reserved for academic philosophers, or can the everyday Christian successfully and accurately defend the faith? With detailed attention to contemporary approaches to Christian apologetics and a close study of Scripture, McManis demonstrates that the task of defending the faith is for all Christians, not just scholars.
A Biblical View of Trials | Cliff McManis - We live in a fallen world, and our lives are often beset with physical suffering, emotional difficulty, relational problems, and financial uncertainty. As Christians, our trouble in this world may even increase because of our relationship with Jesus Christ. In this volume, Cliff McManis applies over 20 years of pastoral experience and careful study of Scripture to help us persevere through trials in a way that glorifies God and is best for us.
Chapter 3: "A Prison House of Riches: Calvin's Theology of the Human Body" in Exegesis and Theology in the Protestant Reformation" | Derek Brown - This book is a collection of essays that examine the biblical methodologies and distinct theologies of the Reformers. Included are chapters on Zwingli's view of Divine Providence, Luther and Calvin's understanding of Isaiah 53, reflections on Calvin's preaching practices, and much more.
Rescued by Grace: Current Evidence that God Still Saves Sinners | Edited by Cliff McManis and Derek Brown - The Bible says Jesus came into the world to "seek and save the lost." Rescued By Grace is a compendium of modern day testimonies told by those who were lost but have now been found, saved and changed forever by Jesus and His gospel. This book also explains from Scripture who Jesus is using His very own words.
Faith: The Gift of God | Cliff McManis - What does an unbeliever need to be saved? Do Christians need to use complex philosophical arguments when sharing the gospel with their friends, neighbors, and co-workers? In this concise volume, Cliff McManis argues that Christians should focus their energy on explaining and proclaiming the gospel, for it is the word about Christ that produces faith in the heart. This little book will help free Christians to confidently share the gospel with those around them.
How to Pray for Your Pastor | Derek Brown - Do you pray for your pastor? Perhaps a better question: Do you know how to pray for your pastor? In this book, Derek Brown helps you understand your pastor's qualifications, responsibilities, and unique pressures so that you might pray effectively for those who shepherd your soul.
What the Bible Says About Gray Areas | Cliff McManis - How do we make godly decisions on issues that are not specifically addressed in the Bible? Questions about holidays, entertainment, even the specifics of church life can often burden Christians because they seem to preclude clear, straightforward answers. Drawing from Romans 14, Cliff McManis helps us navigate these tough questions by providing us with the principles necessary to make decisions on the "gray areas" of life.
The Problem of Evil | Cliff McManis - How can we reconcile the goodness and power of God with the existence of moral and natural evil? How does the ordinary, everyday Christian approach this issue? With sharp exegesis and a careful examination of several popular approaches to this issue, Dr. McManis takes us deep into Scripture where we find clear answers for why evil exists and what God has done to solve the problem of evil once and for all.
The Biblically-Driven Church: How Jesus Builds His Body | Cliff McManis - What is the purpose of the church? What qualifies someone to be a leader in the church? What is true church growth? In this work, Cliff McManis brings together over 20 years of pastoral experience, biblical study, and thorough research in order to answer the most basic questions concerning the nature of the Church and her mission.
What the Bible Says About Government | Cliff McManis - Ever since the Church's inception 2000 years ago, Christians have wrestled with how to think about, relate to, and submit to the government. Answers to these important questions have ranged across a broad spectrum, with Christians often disagreeing with each other in significant ways. In this book, Cliff McManis looks to Scripture to help us think clearly about issues related to government, politics, and the Christian's involvement in both.
God's Glorious Story: The Truth of What it's All About | Colin Eakin - God has written a story. Ponder that thought for a moment. That is a startling statement. The God of the universe, the only one true God, has written a story, a comprehensive narrative of what has been, what is, and what will be. And not only has God written a story, but he wrote it to be read and understood by the highest form of his creation, his magnum opus--humans.
God Defines and Defends Marriage | Cliff McManis - In June 2015 in case of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in a 5-4 decision that marriage between same-sex couples is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. By placing this recent judicial ruling in its historical-political context and examining it in light of Scripture, Dr. Cliff McManis helps Christians respond to their nation and their neighbor with Christlike conviction and compassion.
Strong and Courageous: The Character and Calling of Mature Manhood | Derek Brown - Manhood has fallen on hard times. More than ever it appears that men are ignorant of what true masculinity entails. Perhaps most discouraging is that this ignorance characterizes many men in the Church of Christ. Writing from several years of experience in discipleship and pastoral ministry, Derek Brown seeks to help Christian men understand their calling, find hope in the gospel, and grow in godly masculinity.
Protecting the Flock: The Priority of Church Membership | Cliff McManis – Is church membership a biblical concept? If so, what are the benefits of church membership? Should I become a member of a local congregation? In his latest installment in the Big Truth little book® series, Cliff McManis applies over twenty-five years of study and pastoral ministry experience to answering these important questions. You will be encouraged to consider membership for the first time or to renew your appreciation for the essential role the local church plays in your walk with Christ.
Apologetics by the Book | Cliff McManis – For years Christian apologetics has suffered from an identity problem. What constitutes the practice of apologetics? How should we engage unbelieving arguments? Should we separate apologetics and evangelism? Examine the latest books on the topic of apologetics and you will find a vast and irreconcilable array of answers to these questions. By rooting his discussion first and foremost in Scripture while examining the most popular apologetic approaches and arguments, Cliff McManis demonstrates that the practice of apologetics are not the prerogative of a few scholars, but the privilege of every Christian.
Educating Your Child | Cliff McManis - Education has become a controversial topic among Christian parents. What many of us don't know, however, is that it doesn't have to be. In this book, Cliff McManis draws from a careful study of Scripture and his experience as an educator, parent, and pastor to help Christian parents navigate this difficult yet highly important topic. McManis not only discusses the biblical foundations for childhood education, he also examines the pros and cons of each schooling option (public, private, or homeschool) so that you can make a wise, biblically-informed decision about how to educate your child.
The Gospel, the Church, and Homosexuality | Edited by Michael Sanelli and Derek Brown - Homosexuality is now a watershed issue for the church. Christians, however, have not consistently responded to this issue with a balance of truth and love. Sadly, our failure to engage others with a Spirit-wrought blend of compassion and truth telling has allowed some to continue in sin while distancing others further from the church and the hope of the gospel. The contributors to this book seek to help Christians think carefully about the matter of homosexuality so that they can minister to their friends, family members, and neighbors who are presently wrestling with same-sex attraction.
What the Bible Says About Depression | Cliff McManis – How should we define depression? Do Christians struggle with depression? Is depression in the Bible? Is there a cure for depression? How do I minister to those who are struggling with depression? These are crucial questions, but the current debate among evangelicals over the topic of depression has left many wondering if there are any clear answers. In this book, Pastor Cliff McManis surveys the contemporary discussion on this difficult subject, exposes several common myths about depression, and provides readers with much encouraging counsel from Scripture. Whether you are currently wrestling with depression or ministering to those who are, you will find much help in this book.
Skillfully Surveying the Scriptures, Vol. 1: Genesis through Esther | J. R. Cuevas – In an age where certain books of the Bible - particularly those from the Old Testament - are largely being ignored and untaught, this book series aims to equip both formal Bible teachers and laymen to teach the whole of the Bible, book by book, to God’s saints. With detailed yet easy-to-follow study material and lesson worksheets designed for Sunday School and Bible study settings, this resource will prove to be a useful tool for Bible teachers of all levels of experience.
What the Bible Says About Confrontation | Cliff McManis – Conflict. It's unavoidable. So, how do we deal with it? For Christians, the Bible offers a wealth of wisdom to help us navigate the often difficult terrain of interpersonal conflict. While avoidance may seem like an easier route at times, the answer to our relational problems is not fearful evasion but courageous confrontation. In this book, Cliff McManis draws from Scripture and over three decades of pastoral experience in order to encourage Christians to practice the spiritual discipline of holy confrontation. Conducted patiently, honestly, and lovingly, biblical confrontation will often be the primary means to mending broken relationships in the home and promoting genuine unity in the local church.
Fellowship with God: A Guide to Bible Reading, Meditation, and Prayer | Derek Brown – Spirit-empowered discipline is essential for our growth in grace. Yet, some of us are easily overwhelmed at the thought of maintaining regular spiritual disciplines. In this book, Derek Brown helps us re-focus our attention on three basic disciplines: Bible reading, meditation, and prayer. Among the spiritual disciplines we can practice, these are the three that feed and direct all the others. Rooting his discussion in Scripture, Brown also provides several practical aids to help you cultivate consistent fellowship with God.
What the Bible Says About Hospitality | Cliff McManis – What is hospitality? Are all Christians called to be hospitable, or is this a spiritual gift that only a few possess? What are some practical ways that Christians can grow in their ministry of hospitality? Pastor Cliff McManis answers these and many other questions related to this important yet often overlooked aspect of Christian living. With careful attention to Scripture as well as relevant practical concerns, McManis develops a well-grounded theology of Christian hospitality.
The Danger of Hypocrisy | J.R. Cuevas – No sin is more dangerous to God’s people than the sin of hypocrisy. Yet, as dangerous as it is, hypocrisy often goes undetected in the life of the church. With pastoral care and close attention to Scripture, J.R. Cuevas helps uproot this lethal sin by taking us through Christ’s public denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23. By listening carefully to Christ’s words, you will learn to recognize the marks and effects of hypocrisy and, by God’s grace, successfully apply gospel remedies to this deadly spiritual disease.
Solomon’s Great Commission: A Theology of Earthly Life | Derek Brown – After years of attempting to find ultimate meaning and satisfaction in the things of this life, King Solomon drew a surprising, even unexpected, conclusion: God has given earthly life to his people as a gift, and he intends for them to enjoy it. In this book, Derek Brown follows Solomon through Ecclesiastes, focusing on the old king’s exhortation to live with zest and to enjoy life’s legitimate pleasures. While not dismissing pain, suffering, sin, and the realities of our fallen existence, Solomon draws us back to the goodness of creation and commands—yes, commands—us to enjoy life. This is not a call for unrestrained indulgence, but for gospel-saturated, glad-hearted acceptance of God’s gift of earthly life.
What the Bible Says About the Future | Colin Eakin – What is God's purpose in creation? Is Israel significant? Why does the world seem to be going from bad to worse? Are we living in the last days? What is meant by the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Christ? Will truth and justice ever reign on this earth? Will evil ever be judged? Is there a hell? What is the New Heaven and the New Earth? Explore God's answers in His Word to these questions and more in What the Bible Says About the Future.
Beware of Dogs: Exposing Error in the Modern Church | Colin Eakin – And so we arrive at the purpose of this book: to awaken a generally torpid and negligent modern evangelical church out of its doctrinal stupor. In particular, it is designed to reassert the clear gospel—“the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom 1:16)—and contrast it against several of its present-day corruptions. As one insightful pastor comments upon Philippians 3:2, “Any attempt to please God by one’s own efforts and draw attention away from Christ’s accomplished redemption is the worst kind of wickedness.” This book seeks to counter such wickedness. As in Paul’s era, modern-day believers must be warned against “dogs” and “evildoers” who still seek to distort the gospel by adding human achievement to God’s work in salvation.
What the Bible Says About Israel: Past, Present, and Future | Cliff McManis – Since the time of Abraham the Jews have occupied the interest of God and the world. 4,000 years later not much has changed: Israel is still front and center-stage in universal conversation. But today there is widespread confusion about Israel – their origin, history, present role and future destiny. Such confusion is unnecessary, for God addresses all those issues clearly in His Word, the Bible. After all, from Genesis to Revelation, the context of all the events of biblical history is in relation to the Jews. In What the Bible Says About Israel, Pastor McManis explains clearly and simply God’s plan and purpose for the Jews – past, present and future.
The Parable of Sports | J.R. Cuevas – What does our Christian life have to do with sports? Quite a bit, as it turns out. In this book, pastor and author J. R. Cuevas helps Christian men and women see how God has designed sports to illustrate biblical truth, develop Christian character, and much more. In short, concise chapters filled with biblical truth and memorable stories, Cuevas shows us how athletic competition can be an arena for discipleship and a metaphor of the Christian life.
Rescued by Grace, Volume 2: More Evidence that God is Still Saving Sinners | Edited by Cliff McManis and Derek Brown – The Bible tells us that we can clearly see God’s power in the created order. “The heavens declare the glory of God,” David writes in Psalm 19. The apostle Paul tells us that evidence for the Creator’s existence is available to all people at all times (Rom 1:20). But a sinner saved by God’s grace, washed by his Spirit, and transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ displays God’s power and reality with even greater intensity than the most magnificent star or lofty mountain range. A previously rebellious, hardened sinner, once dead in their transgressions but now forgiven, alive to God, and full of love for their Savior is compelling evidence that God is real and his gospel is true. In these pages, you will find a collection of testimonies: real stories of men and women from profoundly different backgrounds all sharing how they were brought to faith in Jesus Christ. Take up and read.
What The Bible Says About Retirement | Derek Brown and Cliff McManis – What are you looking forward to in your retirement? No more work? More time to chase your favorite hobbies? Greater space in your schedule for leisure and recreation? If these are the primary reasons you are excited to get to your mid-sixties, you aren't much different than a lot of Americans. For many, retirement is a well-deserved reward for forty years of hard work—a couple of decades of relative ease and relaxation. But is this how Christians should view retirement? In this book, pastors Derek Brown and Cliff McManis explore what Scripture teaches about retirement and contrast the biblical vision to the modern ideal. In these pages you will find both exhortation and encouragement to make the most of your latter years for the glory of God and the good of the church.
The Nature of Biblical Prophecy: Five Arguments for the Cessationist Position | Derek Brown – Are prophets still active today? Is the gift of prophecy still available to God's people? Understanding the nature of biblical prophecy in both the Old and New Testaments is key to answering these questions. In this booklet, pastor and author Derek Brown provides five biblical reasons why Christians can be sure that the gift of prophecy is no longer active today.
Why Not Infant Baptism? | Derek Brown – It's well-known that Baptists and Presbyterians disagree about baptism. What may not be so widely understood is that this disagreement goes deeper than the respective practices of two different denominations. Actually, this disagreement over baptism is rooted in two divergent interpretations of the New Covenant and its relation to the Old Covenant. In this brief booklet, Pastor Derek Brown will give the theological reasons why Baptists and Presbyterians disagree on baptism and demonstrate why a Baptist interpretation better accounts for the biblical teaching on this topic.
Keep the Faith: The Importance of Finding Christian Fellowship at College | Derek Brown – College is an exhilarating and challenging time for Christian students. Remaining faithful to Christ is essential, but not easy. How can Christian college students make the most of their post-secondary experience while abiding in the Lord Jesus? In this booklet, pastor Derek Brown explains that a commitment to the local church is vital for a Christian student's perseverance in the faith. Brown also argues that cultivating a love for the local church will help Christian students develop patterns of life-long faithfulness to Christ after they graduate.
The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry – Vol. 1 - Our pastors Derek Brown and Cliff McManis published articles in the inaugural issue of The Cornerstone Bible College and Seminary. The theme of this issue was "Exalting Christ: A Tribute to the Life and Ministry of Steve Fernandez." The purpose of the CJPTM is to provide pastors, theologians, and church leaders with pastorally rooted, academically rigorous resources that will equip them to better instruct, love, and shepherd Christ’s people.
The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry – Vol. 2 - Our pastors Derek Brown and Cliff McManis published articles in the second issue of The Cornerstone Journal of Pastoral Theology and Ministry . The theme of this issue was "Pastoral Leadership."
Redeeming Apologetics: Restoring Biblical Supremacy in Defending the Christian Faith – Jesus was the Master defender of the faith. And Jesus always used special revelation to defend it. Special revelation was His starting point. His favorite phrases when talking with skeptics, detractors, and unbelievers were, “Have you not read?” and “It is written.” He never resorted to natural theology. His Apostles never relied on sheer human reason to advance or defend the gospel, but like their Master, they also began and ended with special revelation. So also, Christians today should defend the Christian faith with special revelation, just as Jesus and the Apostles did. And for us today, special revelation is found in Scripture, God’s infallible, inerrant, authoritative, holy Word—the Bible. This approach to defending the faith has been given various labels, most commonly presuppositionalism. And far from being recent, it is a tradition rooted in history tracing its roots back to Christ and the Bible itself. That is the argument Dr. Cliff McManis makes in this volume, while at the same time exposing the folly of the many common approaches to apologetics that lean on secular philosophy and unredeemed ideologies for their systems.